Deadpool had Many Creators


FINALLY some Deadpool origin coverage that puts Rob Liefeld in his place. The character has been getting a LOT of attention lately because of the feature film that is rocking the boxoffice this weekend, but also because of the epic level of cross promoting the hell out of the character and the movie. But a lot of this coverage online – on blogs and webshows that I LIKE – is dragging Rob Liefeld out of obscurity as if they uncovered some comic book lore lost to the panels on pages of lore.

But why are they praising this hack who is hands down the worst artist in Comic Book History? Because he created Deadpool.

Yes, he created the character – in his own words “Spiderman with guns and swords”

But he didn’t MAKE Deadpool what we came to love him for. He was cannon fodder for the heroes to overcome. That’s all. A rogues gallery opponent. A plot device.

Gerry Duggan NAILS the truth with this quote for

“Huge love to Fabian and Rob for the inception, but I’ve always considered Deadpool to be a creation that had many parents,” said Gerry Duggan, who currently writes the character. “Like a less-horrible Freddy Kruger origin. Gail Simone, Rick Remender, Joe Kelly, Mark Waid, Jimmy Palmiotti, Dan Way, and so many more creators left Deadpool better than when they found him. I inherited a character that was already on the way to being a moonshot.”

Please stop the insanity and stop giving press to Liefeld like he “created” anything. At BEST Liefeld’s Deadpool is a derivative work. A “What if?” story of Spider-Man as a Mouthy Mercenary for Hire.

The character’s most iconic traits were developed mostly by Joe Kelly who gave him heart and soul, and depicted him as self aware and breaking the fourth wall.

Liefeld still takes all the credit without shame. ALL of it.

Everyone but Rob knows the score.

Author: Rodney

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