JK Rowling Announces 8th Harry Potter Novel

What started out as Jack Thorne’s stage production Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, based on a story written by Rowling will in fact be released as a novel.

Washington Post reports:

“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is set to debut in London at the Palace Theatre on Harry’s birthday, July 30.

But today, Rowling announced that the script of the play will in fact be released as a two-part book, at 12:01 a.m. on July 31, 2016.

For those anticipating the stage play but cannot get tickets for the London production, the book will be a welcome treat. I am sure it will end up on my bookshelf as well.

Originally, JK Rowling had said the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – which depicts Harry and the gang as parents themselves sending their little ones off to Hogwarts 10 years later – was set on purpose to close the book on Harry Potter. This was meant to leave no doubt that no sequels would be made as JK Rowling was swimming in Scrooge McDuck style pools of all the money she made.

And now another chapter happens, of course after that epilogue.

Can we start a pool now on bets as to see how long it takes before they back up some trucks full of money on the original cast’s doorstep and make this novel into a feature film, kickstarting another generation of Harry Potter stories?

Author: Rodney

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