Star Wars Saga Vs Anthology Films


The new Star Wars films franchise are going to be divided into two main properties. The Skywalker Saga and the rest will be Anthology films.

Spinoff Reports:

“The Saga films focus on the Skywalker family saga,” Kennedy said in an interview with Costco Connection. “The stories follow a linear narrative that connects to the previous six film. ‘The Force Awakens’ follows ‘Return Of The Jedi’ and continues that generational story. The Anthology films offer opportunities to explore fresh characters, new storylines and a variety of genres inside the ‘Star Wars’ Universe.”

The more interesting part is that Kennedy said the current film franchise will follow the Skywalker Saga. If we recall, the original cast was said to only be involved in the first of these new three films, kickstarting a new generation of new characters. So if the franchise is going to continue the Skywalker Saga, does that mean that one of the new cast is related to Luke or Leia??

There was a lot of speculation about Daisy Radley since the first image with the whole cast at a read through we saw her sitting between Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher sparking rumours that Daisy would be playing the daughter of the Solos. Especially with her physical similarity to a young Carrie Fisher – and by relation the grand daughter of Natalie Portman’s Padme.

Could this be another peice of the Puzzle?

What do you think this means?

Author: Rodney

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