Poltergeist Trailer Online

I am not against remakes. Any film – original or not – has the chance to be better. It is actually HARDER to make a film based on an existing film that can be better than the original, but that’s not to say it cannot be done. So I welcome any attempt to try.

But one film I just didn’t think needed retelling was Poltergeist. The original film in 1982 scared the crap out of me. It just hit all the right things to freak the hell out of my little 10 year old brain.

Check out the trailer for the upcoming remake.

I can see a lot of elements from the original film with a new take here. Could be a solid retelling, but doesn’t seem to be going too far off book.

There is of course the curse that revolved around the original film. I wonder if anyone considered that before building a movie on top of a cinematic burial ground?

Author: Rodney

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