Was ET a Jedi?

This has been popping up on social media lately and I had to take a closer look. It seems that the Easter Egg tradeoffs between ET The Extra Terestrial and Star Wars was more than just a little nod to the bromance of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.

Check it out:


It is also revealed thanks to Wookieepedia, that ET’s race is called Grebleips from the planet Brodo Asogi.

Of course this Easter Egg does present a bigger picture if we accept that ET is from the Star Wars Universe. The Yoda cameo in ET was on Halloween and a child is wearing a Yoda Costume which ET recognizes and mistakes for a race he is familiar with. But if a fictional Yoda was shown to be recognized as a real race how does he end up on Earth as a costume?

My only answer is that George Lucas has access to historical records of another universe.

It also means our Earth exists within the timeline of Star Wars. Granted Lucas already said Star Wars takes place “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”.

My brain hurts now.

Author: Rodney

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